Ljudi mnogo vole da pričaju o zdravlju
Zdrav i srećan život je večiti zadatak i najveća nada čovečanstva.
Ceragem nauka kičme je nastala sa voljom da čuva sreću misleći da je zdravlje prvi uslov za sreću!
- Kičma je biološki kurir
- Mozak kao najvažniji organ neprestano komunicira sa telom preko kičmenih nerava.
U unutrašnjosti kičme se nalazi kičmena moždina koja povezuje telo sa mozgom i kontroliše i organizuje sve funkcije tela.
Ako kičma koja čuva nerve u kičmenoj moždini kao životna linija nije ispravna, može da nastane zdrastveni problem zbog pritiska na kičmenu moždinu.
- Zdravlje kičme je zdravlje života
- Čovek koji je imao četri noge tokom mnogo vremena je evolurirao u životinju koje hoda uspravno ne dve noge.
Kako se kičma koja je stajala vodoravno dok je hodao na četri noge promenila uspravno. Struktura kičme se promenila kao slovo "s" da bi efikasno držala celo telo.
Zato bol u lumbalnom delu i bol u ramenima koji se pojave savremenim ljudima nisu sudbinske bolesti nego su rezultat neispravnog stava ili navika.
Prema činjenicima da mnoge bolesti počinju iz kičme uključujući bol u lumbalnom predelu i oboljenje u kičmi, možemo znati da je zdravlje kičme veoma važno za održavanje ljudskog života i zdrav život.
Ima mnogo tretmana za sređivanje oboljenja kičme, ima dosta stvari o kojima treba voditi računa. Iako ljudi imaju isto oboljenje kičme imaju drugačiju jačinu bola u zavisnosti od vrsta tela i životnih okolnosti. Zato treba da bude drugačiji tretmani.
Reč 'kiropraktika' je iz grčkog jezika. 'Kiro' znači ruku i 'Praktika' znači lečenje. To je značilo ručno lečenje raznih bolesti ljudskog tela a sad je poznato kao tretman za ispravljanje kičme.
Kiropraktika je nauka da ispravlja kičmu na prirodan način odnosno rukama oslobađajući mesto gde je nastao poremećaj zbog pritiska na 31 para nerava koji izlaze iz kičme i prolaze između pršljenova. Sad je priznata kao zvanična medicinska studija u 70 zemalja sveta.
Ispravljanje kičme se radi rukama ili opremom koja se postavlja na deo iskrivljene kičme. Ukoliko je kičma iskrivljena, kičmeni nervi su ugnječeni i nastaje poremećaj funkcije u raznim organima koji su povezani sa kičmenim nervima.
Ispravljajući iskrivljenu kičmu normalizujemo funkciju nerava i poboljšavamo funkciju unutrašnjih organa i stimuliše se cirkulaciju krvi i limfe i sprečava oboljenje i starenje jačajući otpornost ljudskog tela.
Za tretman toplotom se koriste kondukcijalna toplota ili radijacijalna toplota. Kondukcijalna toplota je od peska, kupanja toplom vodom, parafinskog kupanja, kupanja toplotnom energijom, parnog kupanja, a radijacijalna toplota je od optičkog kupanja, tretmana UV zracima, tretmana sa visoko frekventnim talasima.
Tretman toplotom stimuliše cirkulaciju krvi i pomaže metabolizmu, smanjuje bol i napetost mišića. Zato je poznat kao dobar tretman za reumatizam, artritis, bol u mišićima, hronično zapaljenje, oporavak od umora.
Najvažnija je upotreba toplote za telo je povećanje protoka krvi podizanjem temperature tela.
Ako temperatura tela padne za 1℃ mogu se dobiti rayna oboljenja zbog hladnoće, a kad se diže temperatura tela 1℃ telo izgubi snagu i pada aktivnost organizma.
Kad pada funkcija srca, pada temperatura tela i čovek umre. Ovo nam pokazuje važnost tretmana toplotom.
- Tretman toplotom
- ① Povećava aktivnost tkiva.
- ② Usporava učvršćavanje zgloba.
- ③ Smiruje bol.
- ④ Smanjuje napetost mišića.
- ⑤ Povećava protok krvi.
- ⑥ Smanjuje zapaljenje i otok.
Davno su ljudi pronašli tačke na telu koje imaju poseban efekat na organe trljanjem, masiranjem i pritiskivanjem.
To je napredovalo kao tretman akupresure. Tretman akupresure nastao je kada je nastao čovek.
Najvažniji tretman akupresure je tretman azijske masaže. Međutim, u istočnoj medicini na osnovu prirode ljudi nisu bili zadovoljni od tretmana akupresure nego su tražili metode koji koriste opremu koja može zameniti ruku i tako su nastali akupunktura i moksbustion.
Akupresura je osnovana na akupunkturne tačke, a u nju je dodatna teorija tretmana od ruke odnosno masaža i kiropraktike iz zapadne medicine.
- Tretman akupresure
- ① Izaziva dobru cirkulaciju tečnosti u telu odnosno krvi i limfe koji teku u telu i aktivira metabolizam.
- ② Relaksira mnogo mišića u telu i oslobađa ukočen mišić.
- ③ Ispravlja mišić iskrivljenog ligamenta i tetiva.
- ④ Stimuliše akupunkturne tačke i kontroliše funkcije organa.
- ⑤ Kontroliše centralni i autonomni nervni sistem.
- ⑥ Kontroliše endokrine poremećaje i istovremeno otklanja umor.
Moksibustion je počeo od tretmana toplotom koji ugreje bolno mesto našeg tela i napravi opekotinu.
Kasnije su koristili razne lekovite trave i napravili sistem energetskih kanala i akupunkturnih tačaka. Primenjujući akupunkturne tačke za određene organe tretmanom stimulacije postao je isti tretman kao tretman od leka.
Moksibustion u današnjici ispravljajaći funkciju organa i ozdravljaje ih, priznat je kao tretman za bilo koje bolesti.
- Glavna dejstva moksibustiona
- ① Aktivira ćelije.
- ② Poboljšava cirkulaciju krvi.
- ③ Menja sastav krvi (Povećava crvena krvna zrnca)
- ④ Kontroliše lučenje hormona.
- ⑤ Kontroliše funkciju nerava.
- ⑥ Umanjuje umor mišića.
- ⑦ Smanjuje bol.
Even the grandest houses are like those built on sand if pillars are weak. Pillar determines the life of a house. Then what is the pillar of our body? It is our spine. Therefore, if we have spine problems, we start having various problems and we constantly need to fix those problems. So how does the spine actually look and what roles does it play?
Spine is the pillar of our body. Spinal cord is also in the spine, connecting to the brain, and controlling all the functions of our body. Spine supports our body weight, and protects the spinal cord, which communicates to all our body parts from the brain.
The 31 pairs of spinal nerves stemming out from the spinal cord branches out through the vertebras and get connected to the body organs, muscles, blood vessels, ligaments and skin tissues. The spinal cord and the spinal nerves control all our senses, movements, posture, body temperature, heart rate, respiration, blood sugar level and all other bodily functions
Our spine was originally in a neat S structure. By such natural curve structure, our whole body is supported effectively and is well balanced for right posture. Therefore, we are not destined to suffer from the cases of lumbago, shoulder and arm pain. They are the results of bad habits, wrong exercises, stress, accidents and genetical problems. The spinal problems along with lumbago and so many other disorders stem from the spine. So it is easy to see how important the spine is in keeping good health.
- Protection
- Protects the spinal cord that comes from the brain through vertebrae.
- Support
- Spine supports the muscles & ligaments that are connected to the spine, head, limbs,ribcage, organs and even the pelvis.
- Integrate
- Controls our body movement and all other physiological processes.
- Link
- Helps the biological process between the body and the brain.
- Pillar
- Helps to maintain straight and true posture.
When such stimulus as the light and sound are reached on the senses such as eyes and ears, these are transmitted in high speed to the brain and spinal cord through the peripheral nerves.This process gives us the feelings of senses. The central nerve sends to the muscles or each organ, appropriate orders to control various functions of body. So the peripheral nerve and the central nerve receive various kinds of stimulus from every corner of our body, and by responding to these stimuli, they ensure that our body acts properly. The brain, spinal cord and the peripheral nerves together are called the nervous system.
Spinal cord passes the information entering the body through peripheral nerves to the brain. It passes the brain commands to all the organs. Spinal nerves take this role because brain cannot directly send commands to the limbs.
Spinal cord plays the role of mediator because brain it self cannot send the signals all the way to the arms and legs. Therefore the brain signals are sent only to the spinal cord with super fast speed.
Largely, the nervous system is divided to central nerves and the peripheral nerves. The central nerves refer to brain and the spinal cord ; brain is in the skull and is comprised of cerebrum, midbrain, interbrain, and cerebellum. The spinal cord is the nerves inside the spine and is connected to the hindbrain.
Refers to all the nerves that branches out from the brain and the spinal cord and distributed to all the organs and tissues of the body. The peripheral nervous system is divided as the somatic nervous system (subject to the cerebrum’s rule), and the autonomic nervous system (non-subject to the cerebrum realm).
The nervous system stems out from the brain and branches out to all parts of the body. If is comes from the brain, it’s called the cerebral nerve, if it’s from the spinal cord, it’s called the spinal nerves. Usually there are 12 pairs of cerebral nerves from the brain and distributed around the face. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves from the spinal cord and distributed to the body and the limbs.
The autonomic nerve system is distributed to the heart, blood vessels, lung and the digestive system. It is not subject to the rule of cerebrum ; it controls the functions of internal organs by its own accord. The autonomic nervous system is comprised of sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve. Usually, as shown in the following table, when one side is accelerated, then the other side is restrained. For example, if heart rate is accelerated by the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nerve slows it down.
It is said that to get healthy, drink plenty of water. There is nothing that is better than water in helping smooth blood circulation. Without blood circulation, we die. Therefore the blood is our water of life. However, if spine is crooked or out of place, then all the nerves related to blood circulation will start having problems. It is easy to know why crooked spine is the cause of all diseases.
Most of blood is made within the spine. Therefore, if spine is crooked or out of place, then the blood does not get produced properly, and the spine nerves - which are the governing nervous system for blood circulation, would be put under pressure, causing problems in every each organ, and the blood circulation gets poor.
So if we remove the causes, would the blood circulation improve?
Unfortunately we are living in an environment where we simply cannot remove all the hindrances to good blood circulation. Along environment pollution, food with various kinds of additives and the surrounding that is full of toxic chemicals, are them selves hindrances to good blood circulation. All these polluting substances along with stress are increasing wastes in our blood, and we become sick so easily. This can easily be seen from the fact that there are none who are completely disease free. In western medicine, the causes of diseases are bacteria, virus and genetics, but in eastern medicine, the most primary cause for disease is the disability in circulation. The extravasated blood, which is the impurities within the blood, gets accumulated in one spot, then the people start to show various symptoms. The kind of symptoms shown is different from person to person. Blisters may appear in the womb, myoma, cystitis, frigidity, prostatitis, impotency, chilled limbs, arthritis and back pain may also appear. If extravasated blood is cleansed and unblocks the blocked blood vessel, then the blood circulation becomes normal. The cause for extravasated blood is, apart from virus or bacteria, the spleen not functioning properly to treat the impurities or the liver’s dysfunction and not purifying the blood. That is the spleen and the liver are the organs that neutralize the toxins and remove extravasated blood, and the above problem starts to occur if these organs do not function properly. Then why are organs such as the spleen and the liver do not function as they should?Most importantly it’s because the spine is crooked or the passage for the spinal nerves had narrowed and putting pressure to the spinal nerves.
In alternative medicine, spleen and liver controls the blood circulation, but in western medicine, it’s the heart and the kidneys that perform this task. However, the fact that these organs are connected to the spinal nerve is not so different. Most of our body organs are connected to the autonomic nerves from the thoracic vertebrae. From the chiropractic (a form of alternative medicine) perspective, the thoracic vertebrae number 1 is connected to bronchus, no 2 to heart, 3 to lung, 4 to gall bladder, 5 to liver, 7 to pancreas, 8 to spleen, 9~11 to kidneys, and 12 is connected to small intestine. If parts of these thoracic vertebrae are crooked, then the spinal nerves get sqeezed, causing dysfunction of the corresponding organ. For example, if there is a problem with thoracic vertebrae number 3, then you would become vulnerable to such diseases as pleurisy and pneumonia. The spleen and the liver are connected to thoracic vertebrae 5 and 8, and if there are problems in these parts, then there could be problems with blood circulation. Also, from the western medicine perspective, the heart and kidneys are connected to thoracic vertebrae 9~11, therefore it can easily be seen that the blood circulation is intimately related to the spine. So in order to be free of blood circulation related disorders, the spine must be true and straight. If spine is either crooked or get out of place, the blood do not get produced properly, and the organs start to have problems due to squeezing of spinal nerves, causing bad blood circulation
Our body is an intricate network of nerves which starts from brain to the spinal nerves, then to the peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system. If only one of these malfunction, our body begins to malfunction as a whole. In particular, if the spinal nerves, which play the central role in connecting the brain to other nerve system, start to malfunction, our body simply falls to chaos. Therefore we must always make the best effort to maintain our backs straight.
The clinical massage therapy such as chiropractic mentions about how nerves from the spine is connected to the organs, and where in the spine should be stimulated to remove dysfunction in a particular organ etc. Other therapies related to improving health through spinal care also mentions about very similar spinal treatments. It is easy to know from this that nerves are connected not only to the muscles which our body uses for movement, but to our body organs as well. Then how are our spine and organs correspond? Thr right is an excerpt from the main subject taught to the American chiropracters - the Spinal Nerves Medical Professional. This does not necessarily mean there is one to one, thread by thread connection between nerves and our internal organs. Therefore, interpretation of such therapy could be different, depending on different perspectives. However, it is very clear that the spinal nerves are interconnected with our body rgans.
Consistent spinal stretching strengthens muscles around the spine, that is, the back and abdominal muscles get stronger, distributing the load to the back or the abdominal muscles that would otherwise go to the spine. It is important to exercise regularly. Exercising about 20 minutes every morning and evening is recommended. It is not wise to exercise with high intensity from the beginning. Start with low intensity and slowly raise the intensity of the exercise. When exercising, avoid pain and be consistent. The following is the list of exercises that are good for elderly people or those who are suffering from back problems.